Twin Lakes Camp & Conference Center (TLC) is looking for a leader who can step into the role of Program Director, a pivotal position in our growing and discipleship-focused ministry. Through their demonstration of servant leadership, the Program Director will not only spearhead the programming aspect of the camp ministry but also guide and mentor the summer program staff and cabin leaders, playing a crucial role in shaping the camp experience for our campers.
This year-round position works with churches and Christian schools to achieve their retreat goals by providing the programming resources to meet their needs.
This position requires disciple-making skills, administrative skills, access to the high ropes course for setup, inspections, and other athletic abilities. A biblical education or other related degree from a Christian college is a benefit but not required.
This position can begin as early as August 2024. Compensation includes a competitive salary and on-camp housing, and a spouse can also be employed part-time.
Twin Lakes Camp & Conference Center (TLC) is looking for a cook for its growing and discipleship-focused ministry. By demonstrating servant leadership, the Camp Cook will lead the day-to-day operations of the kitchen while also taking part in the discipleship of the kitchen staff and volunteers.
This is a part-time position with competitive pay. This is a great ministry opportunity for someone looking for weekend or summer employment only.
Discipleship at Twin Lakes Camp isn't just for campers. Our summer staff program focuses on raising godly leaders in this secular world. Our cabin-centered philosophy means that summer staff will leave with the relational and spiritual depth to be continuing disciple-makers for the rest of their lives. This training comes at a pivotal time, setting the tone for life-long calls to ministry, regardless of your intended vocation or career path. Descriptions for college and high-school-aged positions are below!
Cabin Leader Application
LIT Application
Program Staff Application
Mandatory training starts on May 22nd, 2024, and ends on June 10th. Summer camp starts on June 9th and ends on July 27th.
Requirements: For a person to be considered, they must meet the following criteria,
As a Cabin Leader, you’ll be responsible for:
Actively being engaged and aware of the people around you - specifically campers and LIT staff (Leader In Training); their health and wellness, enjoyment of camp, and spiritual progress.
Being creative and unique to make camp a memorable and growing experience - from a creek walk to the ropes course to paintball; you’ll use all activities to teach the Gospel and reflect Christ.
Constant discipleship - as you are poured into by the TLC staff, you then will pour your life into the lives of your cabin each week. You will be a mom, dad, teacher, coach, mentor, and friend.
Physical requirements: walking (including uphill) and carrying backpack between all camp activities, light cleaning weekly, ability to harness up and belay campers on high ropes activities, climb stairs.
Cabin Leader Ministry Description and Work Conditions
TWIN LAKES LIT 2023 from Twin Lakes Camp on Vimeo.
If you are 16-18 years old and would like to help make the summer ministry successful by helping in the kitchen, housekeeping, lifeguards or maintenance departments, please consider applying for the LIT position!
Mandatory training is June 2nd-June 8th, 2024. Camp is from June 9th- July 27th.
LIT Requirements: In order for a student to be considered, they must meet the following criteria,
As an LIT, you’ll be responsible for:
*Housekeeping LITs are the LITs who typically serve in the camp store and as lifeguards.
All LITs are to be present with cabin when not serving in their specific area at camp. LITs are a vital contribution to their cabin by assisting the Cabin Leader and bonding with campers. The LIT program is designed to be an inside look at what it’s like being a trained Cabin Leader.
Physical requirements: same as cabin leader, additional requirements dependent on job area.
Must meet the same requirements as a counselor. Program staff arrival date is May 13th, 2024. Summer camp starts June 9th and ends on July 27th.
As a member of the Program Staff, you could be responsible for:
Program Assistants - setting up and tearing down of daily Big Event game, leading camp through debrief unpacking the teaching point from the day’s Big Event, acting as head Cabin Leaders, morning meetings with Cabin Leaders, nightly rounds at lights out, light cleaning at the end of each week.
Ropes Course Instructor - required to be fully certified to run ropes course, daily inspections of ropes course, daily setting up and tearing down each activity, assisting in training Cabin Leaders on ropes course, monitor safety of campers on ropes course.
LIT Mentor - will get to know LITs on a deep personal level, lead devotionals twice a week at LIT meetings, empower LITs to become more engaged with cabins and assist the Cabin Leader, assign achievable tasks each week for LITs to accomplish around camp.
Paintball Instructor - understand the basics of running the paintball course, using provided rules and safety measures to keep everyone safe, making sure those rules are followed, maintain and clean paintball markers weekly after use.
Worship Leader - responsible for assembling the worship team (made up of Cabin Leaders and LITs), gathering and organizing lyric sheets for each setlist, must know how to use the soundboard, lead a weekly worship practice, lead worship at nightly chapels, open daily morning prayer meetings for campers.
Other responsibilities to be split among the team would include capturing and compiling media (photos and videos), Crafts, preparing nightly camp snack, etc.
If you are a nursing student who wishes to gain valuable experience in pediatric nursing, then please consider this ministry position. You can get more specific information about the program by emailing Jo Newman.
Requirements: In order for a student to be considered, they must meet the following criteria:
Nurse Extern Ministry Description